Open the Door to your Dutch Career

Connecting highly educated internationals and employers in the Netherlands
Sandrine De Goede, owner and founder of Open Dutch Doors.
More success

Increase the chances of getting work that you love.

Save Time

Focus on the right sectors, organizations and roles to get your dream job quicker.

Less Stress

Moving countries, changing jobs: I am here to support you.

Find your dream job

with these career & settling in services
Career & Settling In Services

Determine your Market Fit

Find out if you are eligible to work in the Netherlands and if not I can tell you how to achieve this.

Check if you need a work and residence permit.

Check if your profession is protected and learn about the steps you need to take if it is.

Check if your qualifications are transferable in the Netherlands and how to get a formal evaluation and a Dutch title.

Find out what sort of upskilling could be interesting and applicable for you, incl. cost estimate.

Career & Settling In Services

Find & Get Work

Focus on the right sectors, organizations and roles to get your dream job quicker.

Get the tools and learn where to look for and how to apply for work.

Get templates or personalized services.

Job search strategy crafted for you by a Dutch professional with 20 years of work experience in various industries in the Netherlands.

Choose a service level that suits your needs best.

Career & Settling In Services

Settle In Smoothly

Have a soft landing in your new home country.

Get an overview of all that there is to know about the Dutch banking, tax and healthcare system. Find out how to bring your own car and get a Dutch driving license.

Know what needs to be done and when.

Kids package also available; covering all kids-related topics, ranging from pregnancy to school, nursery and after-school care (BSO) to hobbies.


For whom?

Highly Educated Internationals & Dutch Employers

Open Dutch Doors is for highly educated internationals that seek a career in the Netherlands and for employers in the Netherlands looking to find and keep talent:


You want to take your career to the next level and you want to do this in the Netherlands.

Learn all there is to know about looking for, applying for and getting a job in the Netherlands. I will teach you how to develop a job search strategy to start the process right away! 

Country borders don't have to be career barriers. Open Dutch Doors' settling in services help you navigate the formalities and have a soft landing. 

Partners of expats

Forget about "trailing spouse"; let's call you a trailblazer!

Your partner got a job in the Netherlands, you take care of the soft landing for you and your family! There is so much to think about, especially if you don't have a local network yet. Let Open Dutch Doors help you save time and energy. Also career-wise: the job seeking process will become more efficient, 'lighter' and maybe even ... fun!


There are so many opportunities for you to have your career as well! 

Next career move in the Netherlands

You are working in the Netherlands and you are ready for your next career move? You know about Dutch working culture, but you don't know about the (un)written rules of applying for work in the Netherlands? How one finds jobs that are not published publicly for example? Or what type of interview questions or tests at assessment centers you may expect and how to prepare for them?

Let Open Dutch Doors help you find and get your Dutch dream job!

Orientation year students

Are you about to start or even end your Orientation Year in the Netherlands? 

A time efficient job search strategy with maximum impact is just what you need! 

You will receive tips & tricks from a local, together with tools that can be tailored to any job position you apply for. 

Dutch Employers

Your HR department is under a lot of pressure and the war on talent doesn't make things any easier.

Open Dutch Doors helps you attract and keep international talent. It can do so at a lower cost and shorter hire time. You improve your employer branding by showing you care about your employee wellbeing and the candidate experience. 

You foster long-term relationships with your employees and make your workplace more diverse

Sandrine has been extremely helpful and supportive. She is Dutch and has a deep knowledge of the Dutch job market and this has been a real plus. The quality of her service is high and focused on practical aspects. She can give professional hints but also cultural insights that are most of the time unknown to non-Dutch. Moreover, she is extremely empathetic and easily understands one’s potential and personal characteristics. I highly recommend her services to any expats who are in search of new job opportunities in The Netherlands!
Silvia Micali
Diversity & Inclusion Manager
Sandrine is a professional, enthusiastic, intelligent person who can strongly support careers for internationals. She has a brilliant career and academic background, but she also has deep insights into different cultures and people. I was pretty fortunate to be her client and supported by her; I would strongly recommend her company and service.
Emi Collier, MBA
Business owner

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